Refusing to Protect Children

Over the last two years, I have quietly sat back and watched Donna Kshir and Lee ‘Cougardawn’ Roberts fight to open the Pennsylvania central registry. The two grandmothers started campaigning to open the child abuse central registry after 2-year-old Conner Bachuss lost his life to child abuse. The Kentucky toddler’s killer, Ronald Saunders II, had a very violent past dating back to his time in the military, but his past was hidden on the private registry.

The two have been documenting their journey on a video blog, The Road to the Registry, and a podcast, The Daily with Donna Kshir.

I will say Kshir appears more laid back in the podcast. Although she remains confident, she is quite different than her early days in broadcasting. Back in her Dreamcatcher days, she would say the unthinkable to grab your attention to shine light on her cause. It’s safe to say, she offended many people along the way, but it served her agenda well. Conner’s Law — Kentucky got passed and Dreamcatchers went from a small nonprofit organization no one ever heard of to servicing people worldwide. However, maturity has served her well.

Although the concept of opening the central registry is great. I mean what could be more valuable than protecting children and saving lives? but there is one thing standing in their way. Pennsylvania State Representative Stephanie Borowicz. The duo has spoken to Borowicz many times. Although Borowicz claims to stand up and protect children it only goes as far as fetuses in the womb. Once outside the womb, Borowicz makes little to no effort to protect them.

Why is Borowicz so on the fence?

Why does she refuse to protect our children?

Isn’t it her job to serve the people and not her own agenda?

The duo has met with Denise Maris, Democratic candidate for the 76th District for State Representative, who has shown her full support. Although Maris lost her first round against Borowicz, she will run again.

Kshir was publically bashed on Facebook by people in her community when she received Maris’ support. Because Maris is a Democrat several uneducated individuals called her a baby killer. However, Kshir didn’t take it lightly. She fired back on Facebook and she let the truth be known on her radio show, calling out those who judged her without knowing the facts. Little did they know, when getting a law passed you need support from both the Democrat and Republican parties. I guess some people don’t think before they speak. Only in Renovo do people judge you before they know the facts.

If or, I should say, when the bill is passed into law the duo wants to name the law Anson’s Law, after 9-year-old Anson Stover who suffered unspeakable abuse, was placed into a bathtub, and died from the injuries inflicted on him at the hands of his aunt.

Pennsylvania has provided Megan’s Law, a sex offender registry, where people can search out offenders by name, photograph, and location. Unlike the sex offender registry, the child abuse central registry remains private. The measure would require the Pennsylvania State Police to open the current private computerized database of individuals convicted of child abuse offenses in the state, including their name, date of birth, photograph, the tier of the crime, and the location the crime took place which is often needed to find court records.

If you support opening the central registry, contact Stephanie Borowicz and let her know your support opening the central registry.

Written by: Chapman Girl


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