Only in Renovo

Over the last few days, images and expressions of hate have arisen in the small community of Renovo, Pennsylvania. The images are graphic and contain racial slurs, weapons, and threats. Only a few people will speak openly about it because the alleged minor child is related to a well-connected family in the community, but because of the child’s last name and family’s ties to the community many people in the tiny town are remaining silent out of fear and intimidation of being singled out like the families on 14th Street who were deemed homeless after a several year fight with Renovo Borough Council.

Why is no one asking the tough questions? Why does this child feel hate toward others? Why is the child making threats? How does this minor child have access to weapons that should be kept under lock and key? Why did it take several days for the school to issue a statement? Why wasn’t it covered in the media? Why? Why is no one asking?

I just don’t understand why no one is concerned about how a child got their hands on a weapon that should be locked up in accordance with the law? Where were the parents/grandparents? What about the child’s siblings’ safety? Why was the child not supervised? The child is under 18 years old and there was no supervision. According to “§ 6110.1. Possession of firearm by minor” this act is in violation and all weapons should immediately be removed from the home so the child can not hurt himself or someone else.

Hate is a learned behavior. No one is born to hate another person. Just by turning the TV on black people are portrayed as lazy and unwilling to hold down a job. Mexicans are portrayed as people trying to steal your job. Same-sex couples are somehow portrayed to poison our children’s minds to make them gay. And let’s not forget, all white people are Nazis and hate black people. This is learned behavior. There is good and bad in all people, not just in a particular race or sex. No one is immune. We all have biases, but when we remain silent and fail to teach our children right from wrong to confront these biases, we ultimately fail our children.

At a time when the community should be outraged and speaking out that these threats could have serious, deadly consequences and how a child got his hands on guns with no supervison to make threats via Snapchat, many people are laughing it off as a harmless school prank which in the words of this reporter is ridiculous and asinine but I guess I should be comforted in knowing the school has taken “necessary steps to keep our students and staff safe” days later and the child got his “ass beat.” Seriously? And that is called justice in the little old town of Renovo, Pennsylvania?

Just imagine for one second if this child would have acted on these threats. Just imagine a mother losing her child. A mother that loves her child just as much as you love yours. The only punishment this child received was a good-ass whooping. Now, look that mother of the dead child in the eye and say he got his “ass beat.” That’s supposed to comfort the mother who just lost her child. Her child would be dead. There are no second chances at death, but the child from the well-connected family who got his “ass beat” feels their child was punished and their child’s actions were justified. Come on people wake the hell up!! It could be your child. That could be you. I don’t care what someone’s last name is, where they work, what they have, how fat their bank account is, or if they are a friend. It’s about protecting your child. It’s high time to speak up for a better tomorrow for your children, and mine, for future generations to come.

Written by: Chapman Girl

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